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c program swap two numbers using pointers


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c program swap two numbers using pointers

 In this program, we will understand how to write a C program to swap two numbers using pointers and functions. How to swap two numbers using a call by reference. Logic to swap two numbers using pointers in a C program.

First of all, imagine the output screen.

Enter two number for swapping: 5 
a=5 and b=8
after swapping
a=8 and b=5
You must have this knowledge.
basic c, function, pointer

You must have this knowledge

Program logic

This is a call by reference program. In which we will be swapping with the help of the pointer.

Declare two variables int type then store the data in it.
call Xchange function and passing address num1 and num2

after that xchange function arguments receive the address.
declare temporarily variable in a xchange function.

temporarily variable assign *ptr1 value after that *ptr1 value asign *ptr2  value and then 
*ptr2 assign temporarily variable
now print your result.

c program swap two numbers using pointers call by reference


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A LIFE ABK / Author & Editor


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